; bdiGDB configuration for Marvell Feroceon ARM926 (Mohawk) ; --------------------------------------------------------- ; ; [INIT] ; ;Setup MMU and enable cache, Translation table at 0x00004000 ; WCP15 0x0002 0x00004000 ;set Translation Base Address WCP15 0x0003 0xFFFFFFFF ;set Domain Access Control WM32 0x00004000 0x00000C0E ;MMU: 0x00000000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004004 0x00100C0E ;MMU: 0x00100000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004008 0x00200C0E ;MMU: 0x00200000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x0000400C 0x00300C0E ;MMU: 0x00300000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004010 0x00400C0E ;MMU: 0x00400000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004014 0x00500C0E ;MMU: 0x00500000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004018 0x00600C0E ;MMU: 0x00600000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x0000401C 0x00700C0E ;MMU: 0x00700000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004020 0x00800C0E ;MMU: 0x00800000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004024 0x00900C0E ;MMU: 0x00900000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004028 0x00A00C0E ;MMU: 0x00A00000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x0000402C 0x00B00C0E ;MMU: 0x00B00000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004030 0x00C00C0E ;MMU: 0x00C00000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004034 0x00D00C0E ;MMU: 0x00D00000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x00004038 0x00E00C0E ;MMU: 0x00E00000, cacheable, bufferable WM32 0x0000403C 0x00F00C0E ;MMU: 0x00F00000, cacheable, bufferable ; WCP15 0x0001 0x0005107D ;enable MMU , Caches and Write Buffer ; WREG CPSR 0x000000d3 ;set superviser mode WGPR 15 0x00000000 ;set PC = 0 WGPR 11 0x00000020 ;set frame pointer to free RAM WM32 0x00000020 0x00000028 ;dummy stack frame ; MMAP 0x00000000 0x00FFFFFF ;enable access to mapped SDRAM ; [TARGET] CPUTYPE FERO926 ;CLOCK 0 4 ;JTAG clock : start with 500 kHz then use adaptive CLOCK 4 ;JTAG clock : without adaptive clocking cable POWERUP 20000 ;time to load FPGA (20 sec) TRST OPENDRAIN ;TRST driver type (OPENDRAIN | PUSHPULL) RESET HARD 500 ;NONE | HARD (ms) STARTUP RESET ENDIAN LITTLE ;memory model (LITTLE | BIG) BREAKMODE SOFT ;Use ARM9E BKPT instruction STEPMODE HWBP ;FEROCEON supports only HWBP single step WAKEUP 10000 SCANINIT r1:w100000:r0:w1000 ;toggle RESET ;SCANPOST r1:w100000:r0:w1000 ;toggle RESET [HOST] IP FILE E:\temp\dump16k.bin FORMAT BIN 0x00010000 PROMPT FERO926> [FLASH] [REGS] FILE $regFero926.def