; bdiGDB configuration file for IDT79EB355 board
; ----------------------------------------------
; This configuration uses the IDT/SIM monitor setup the board
; no init because monitor setup the board

JTAGCLOCK   1                   ;use 8 MHz JTAG clock
CPUTYPE     RC32300 		;the used target CPU type
ENDIAN      LITTLE              ;target is big endian
STARTUP     RUN                 ;RUN monitor and load Linux directly
WAKEUP      500                 ;give reset time to complete
;WORKSPACE   0xA0000080	        ;workspace in target RAM for fast download
BDIMODE     AGENT   	        ;the BDI working mode (LOADONLY | AGENT)
BREAKMODE   SOFT        	;SOFT or HARD, HARD uses PPC hardware breakpoints
STEPMODE    SWBP                ;JTAG, HWBP or SWBP
MMU         XLAT                ;enable virtual address translation
PTBASE      0x800002f0          ;address where kernel/user stores pointer to page table

;FILE        E:\cygwin\home\bdidemo\mips\fibo.x
FILE        E:\cygwin\home\bdidemo\mips\vmlinus
LOAD        MANUAL      ;load code MANUAL or AUTO after reset

;WORKSPACE   0xa0000000  ;workspace in target RAM for fast programming algorithm
CHIPTYPE    AM29F       ;Flash type (AM29F | AM29BX8 | AM29BX16 | I28BX8 | I28BX16)
CHIPSIZE    0x80000     ;The size of one flash chip in bytes (e.g. AM29F040 = 0x80000)
BUSWIDTH    8           ;The width of the flash memory bus in bits (8 | 16 | 32)
FILE        E:\cygwin\home\bdidemo\mips\s334a.cnf
FORMAT      BIN 0xa0020000

DMM1	0xFF300000      ;DSU base address
DMM2	0xB8000000      ;Memory mapped registers
FILE	E:\cygwin\home\bdidemo\mips\reg32300.def